Wednesday 5 June 2013

How Can I Increase My Blog Traffic for Free?

Traffic is the back bone of every blog. Without visitors,
your blog content is useless because no one is reading
what you offer or teach. Many bloggers get frustrated
and quit blogging if they can't get their blogs noticed.
Below are some tips that would surely help you increase
your blog traffic.
1. Social Media
Successful bloggers uses social media strategies to build
their blog popularity. With Facebook and Twitter having
millions of users, failing to syndicate your blog content to
these platforms is a big mistake.
Try opening a Facebook and Twitter account for your
blog and syndicate each post you make to those
accounts. There are free services like "Twitter Feed ",
"Networked Blogs" that can automatically do that for
you. You can read: "How To Make Blog Post
Automatically Appear On Facebook and Twitter" to learn
how I use those two services.
Apart from syndication, making your content easy to
share is also a good strategy to increase your blog
traffic. All you need to do is allow people to share your
posts to different social media platforms to your blog and
see how popular your posts would be. You can install the
floating share bar to allow your readers share your posts
with ease.
Moreover, do not under estimate the power of Linkedin,, Stumble upon and Google+. You can also check
out : "Traffic-Pulling Formulas for Posting on Facebook".
2. Domain Name
Buying a domain name for your blog can give you a
world wide exposure. A domain name is a blog online
identity, and if you are using a free domain name like
wordpress dot com or blogspot dot com, there is a good
chance of people to think less of it.
Furthermore, blogs using free domain names rarely rank
as good as blogs with custom domain names in search
engines. Though I know many popular blogs that are still
using .blogspot, the chance of making it with free a
domain name is very low. If you are still using a free
blogspot address, you can consider changing it to a
custom domain.
3. Guest Blogging
Writing articles for other blogs gives bloggers an
opportunity promote their blogs. This can be done by
attaching a link back to their blog in the article or in the
author bio. This would help increase your blog traffic as
well Google ranking.
Imagine, what you stand to gain if you write guest posts
for waptunel; a blog with over 10,000 RSS
subscribers, thousands of Facebook fans and twitter
4. SEO
For you to rank high in search results, search engines
must be able to determine that your site is relevant to
the search queries people are using to find the
information your niche covers.
You should consider learning how to use Google Keyword
tool when composing your posts and make sure your
target keyword appears in your post url, title, first
paragraph and throughout the content but do not over-
do it. Put your readers in mind when writing your posts.
You can download free SEO ebook from Google to learn
white-hat search engine optimization tricks you can be
implementing on your blog.
Finally, other practices like submitting sitemaps and
pinging your blog to search engines can very helpful in
increasing your blog traffic.
Do you know other ways of increasing blog traffic?
Please. let me hear from you via comments.

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN


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